In Where the forest begins, the town ends, the idea of the contraposition and the limits between the natural and the artificial is investigated. The scenic device is the theater and the technical mechanisms that compose it, the scenography of the piece is mixed with the architecture of the space that hosts it in a dialogue of possibilities of transformation. The accumulation of the scenographic debris that progressively appears gradually generates a complex ecosystem where the idea of nature, artificiality, fiction and artifice are mixed. The scenic game is a contradiction between the limits of the space of representation and the possibilities of the places hidden behind the curtains; a game that offers the spectator a sober and complex image. There is a firm commitment to fantasy, the rawness of the materials and the beauty of the structures of the theater.
The theater becomes a forest where pieces of an old stage set protrude from the branches, spotlights hang like wild fruit, ferns of wires and ropes are glimpsed in the fog of the smoke machine and a moss carpet waits rolled up in the corner.
The company's work focuses on taking attention beyond the anthropomorphic. Our quest seeks to destabilize the scenic hierarchy generated by the bodies through mechanisms that use the theatrical artifact to value the materials, objects and the space of representation.
Idea and creation
Monte Isla
Director and playwright
Andrea Pellejero and Adrià Girona
Performed by
Pol Para, Cèlia Legaz and Andrea Pellejero
Technical coordination
Uriel Ireland
Lighting design
Gabriela Bianchi
Sound design
Uriel Ireland and Adrià Girona
Set design
Monte Isla
Set construction
Xim I. Rabassa
Costume design and stage
Aleix García
Executive producer
Rut Girona
Administration/ communication/ distribution
Monte Isla
Resident company of
Nau Ivanow
Co-produced by
Festival TNT, WorkspaceBrussels
and Teatre de Lloret
Supported by
Festival Sâlmon, Ajuntament de Girona,
Ajuntament de Salt, Estruch,
Ajuntament de Sabadell, TeatroPuerto and
Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Miguel Pellejero, Roberto Baldinelli, Haizea Arrizabalaga, El Conde de Torrefiel, Vilma López,
Ma Ramos Corral, Aixa González, Nicolàs Carbajal, Ana Rovira, Núria Girona, Idoia Aragón, María i Martín Sainz, Roberto Blanco, Pepe Pellejero,
Igna Garcia, Carlus Camps, Alba Valldaura, l'Embarral and Laura Viñals.
//work in progress//
20\08\2022 - Teatre de Lloret, Lloret de Mar
30\09\2022 - Teatre Principal Terrassa, Festival TNT
01\06\2023 - Teatre Municipal de Olot, Això al poble no li agradarà